how it was, it seems…

Transitions №3

Author: Polina Andrukovich

Translated by Anna Halberstadt


how it was, it seems,
but only    probably, most likely,
                              by chance
and             destroyed
and this also happened,   but
      for sure, it’s proven    and
without a doubt
neither this, nor that      had provided
any enjoyment to anyone,
only trouble,
because   both space
 and time were needed
 to absorb all of this. . .

night       to earth
rain          to the sky
more copper
and more conno copper defeats and
more copper on the topic of defeats
an invitation to sound        together
in the place of the birth of defeats,–
maybe, in the sky
maybe, on earth
life is alive,  my        joy, and death is alive
                  what is more alive?
And everything’s got  its own charcno character,–
      life does,               and death does,
which character
do you like better?
there is more life in waiting
                  than in life and death, most likely
but it also has its own
life is waiting for death
death is waiting for life
                 this is
the character of waiting
. . . .
. . .
weightless is the presence of stories
carried by waves of timelessness
and time during the time    or
during timelessness
gods pretended they were ancient Greeks
their gods pretended they be ancient Greeks
we need.    to know   this,
before         we draw
you are Theseus, not played    by the god
within whom   god       is not playing
you are playing   god
you are playing     god
     god help you
. . .
. . .
water is inconspicuous
this is not   in order   of sleeping with You
water is inconspicuous
but it washes off dirt
this is – in order of  not sleeping with You
and don’t  fno drop me
while I am standing on my feet
“the juice was worth the squeeze,” –
You’ll think
“ The juice was worth your squeeze”,–
 I’ll think
when water is –  the sea
It’s impossible not to notice it
                                   ( 2.04.16)